Friday, November 13, 2009

Parties and more Parties!

Dear 2.4 kiddies :) Sorry that I took so long to post the photos but here are the photos of our class party and Maoyuan's birthday party. Enjoy! :D

Here are the photos taken during Maoyuan's birthday party:

Here are our photos taken at class party :) :

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Free Ice-Cream! (A Scary Thrilling Haunted Adventure!)

One day, a little girl called Milly Mary found an old ice-cream caravan. She was curious so she went inside.

When she got inside, the ghost captured her and put her in the basement of a haunted caravan. She tried to escape by pushing the cupboard to make the glass bottle fall off. When the bottle fell it broke into many pieces. When the ghost heard the noise, he came in and scolded her. When the ghost had gone, she cut herself loose with the broken glass pieces. She saw an airduct and decided to push the cupboard to help her reach the airduct. When she fell off, she heard someone coming and she ran and hid under the staircase.

Soon, the ghost came and wanted to catch her but she could not be seen. After that Milly Mary climb up the stairs to the hall and went to the kitchen. She found a bottle of rat poison in the kitchen cabinet. She took it. She got the stool to climb up to reach a packet of cat food that she saw in the top cabinet. She put rat poison and cat food into the empty bowl and when the magic cat ate it, it died. It was safe to take the duster in the living room!

When Milly Mary was in the living room, she turned on the television and the mean ghost came! Quickly she hid behind the curtains. When the mean ghost disappeared, she came out and saw a strange picture with some number below: 1-9-7-7.

After that, she went back to the hall and cleaned the doorway using the duster. She pressed the fusebox to turn on the power for the kitchen refrigerator. She went to the freezer and pressed the password 1-9-7-7 and the door of the freezer OPENED! She went in and found lots of frozen meat hanging on hooks and when she shook one, her friend Lily fell out! Poor Lily was dead! However she found a key and picked it up. She came out to the kitchen and unlocked the cupboard and found a fuse!

She went to the fusebox, turned on the power for living room and hall and the elevator started and came down! She turned on the lights on the second floor using the fusebox and then she took the elevator to the second floor. As she was walking, she did not notice a trap and she fell through it!

She landed on the ghost and squashed it. The ghost fainted and Milly Mary quickly ran to press the button for the elevator. She took the elevator up and escaped through the door!


Created by the boys and girls of 2.4 & Mdm Ong :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

End of Term 1

Dear 2.4 boys and girls,

We've come to the end of Term 1!!

How do you feel about your results this term? Are you happy with your achievements?
What do you plan to do to improve yourselves?

I think the class needs to work on its SELF- DISCIPLINE. What do you think? :)

Cheers from
Mdm Ong

Thursday, March 5, 2009

March holidays are COMING!

Dear 2.4 boys and girls,

The March holidays are coming soon :) What plans do you have? For me, I just want to take a good rest and spend lots of time with my family and loved ones.

Let me know soon! :)

Lots of Love,
Mdm Ong

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bubble Mischief!

Hi 2.4 kiddies!

When I read the story Bubble Trouble, I remembered watching my baby nephews and nieces bathing in their bathtubs and making their little 'bubbles' in their bathtub. Sometimes they create a mess and their parents will start tearing their hair out trying to clean them up -- again! :) I found this little clip on the Net about a really naughty little baby who is really cute; tell me what you think of the baby and also, if you have done this before, share your little story with the class! Have some bubbly fun!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Welcome to 2.4's space :)

Dear 2.4 boys and girls,

WELCOME to your very own space! I would like to introduce the class to blogging and posting your comments and thoughts here.

Like our classroom however, there are some rules that of course must be observed:

1. Please respect your friends who posts their thoughts - no rude comments!
2. Please observe netiquette - be nice and friendly. :D
3. Mdm Ong reserves the right to remove any posts that are rude or unsuitable - that includes videos and mp3s.

In the meantime, I will helping you all be listed as contributors on this blog.

Take care and seeya! :)

Lots of love from,
Mdm Ong